
SKB Questing with Time Pixies

SKB Questing is accessible here https://solkillerbunnies.timepixies.io/

We have 3 factions, MAHOU, SAIKO and KURO. The assignment of the factions is random and will be reset on a weekly basis. The timer of the questing are show on top left. You can click on the games button to see how much points you earn and SKBC/SOL.

The Rules of the Game General

1. A set amount of SKBC will be given out every 7 days to every faction after points reset for the next period. The upcoming prize pool amount will always appear on the Scoreboard above. (We might switch to SOL in the future).

2. Each faction earns the following at the end of the 7 days : 1st place: 75% of prize pool 2nd place: 15% of prize pool 3rd place: 10% of prize pool

3. Airdrop share is equal to (All Your Faction's Points Earned/Total Faction Points) * Prize Pool * Place Percent of SKBC exactly when the game ends.

Time Pixie Rules

1. Every Time Pixie held in your wallet increases points earned by 33% for all Bunnies.

2. A max 99% boost can be achieved by holding 3 Pixies! This simply means that if you own 1 Time Pixie NFT, you get 33% boost to your points earned. For eg. if you earn 200 points from 1 quest, with 1 time pixie NFT you earn 200 + (200 * 33%) = 266 points. If you have 3 time pixies means you get 200 + (200 * 99%) = 398 points for 1 quest. When you have more points, you will get bigger share from the SKBC pool.

Questing Rules

1. When not questing, all stats restore at 10/hour.

2. Each Quest will earn points upon completion for a Bunnies faction. The points will be credited to the wallet address that initiated the Quest.

3. Quests have Events which occur as the Quest progresses. These can raise or lower an NFT's stats depending on the specific Event situation.

4. If one of the NFT's stats falls to 0, the Quest will fail.

5. There is a base 0.06% chance to earn 0.5 SOL immediately on Quest completion. This means that upon completion of a single quest there is a chance of winning 0.5 SOL. But if you look at the 6 hours quests, sometimes there is a 3x SOL bonus, it means your base chance will increase to 0.3% chance to earn 0.5 SOL after the quest completed.

6. There is a base 30% chance to earn up to 150 bonus points for a given Quest. For certain quest, at the moment if you see the quest states 5x Boost, it means you have 5x 30% chance of getting the 150 points. New quests lore are added on a regular basis.

Last updated